Would it be nicer if the rating showed you excellent, interesting, boring or AAA, B- or ... in stead of 7.22, 5.65 etc.
If you want the display of the rating with a textual description in stead of a number, you can use this modification in modules\news\class\class.newsstory.php .
$story['rating'] = number_format($this->rating(), 2);
if ($this->rating() > 8) {
$story['rating'] = 'Excellent';
} else if ($this->rating() > 5) {
$story['rating'] = 'Interesting';
} else if ($this->rating() > 2) {
$story['rating'] = 'Boring';
} else if ($this->rating() > 0) {
$story['rating'] = 'Skip';
} else {
$story['rating'] = 'Be the first!';
The texts and divisions are of course easy to adapt to your desire. (The equations have to be done in descending order.)