RSS Bad Char FilterSometimes the feed will contain bad characters for this in RSS feeds is bad chars, this is the final fix to this code it is only changes to files..
/xeaggregator/class/xreaggregatorrenderer.phpStep 1 // At Line 131 - Add the following
$channel_data = $this->xr_htmlspecialchars($this->xr_htmlspecialchars_decode($channel_data));
$image_data = $this->xr_htmlspecialchars($this->xr_htmlspecialchars_decode($image_data));
$items = $this->xr_htmlspecialchars($this->xr_htmlspecialchars_decode($items));
Step 2Below the function
renderRSS add the following 2 functions:
function xr_htmlspecialchars($obj_items)
foreach($obj_items as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$obj_items[$key] = $this->xr_htmlspecialchars($item);
} else {
$obj_items[$key] = htmlspecialchars($item);
return $obj_items;
function xr_htmlspecialchars_decode($obj_items)
foreach($obj_items as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$obj_items[$key] = $this->xr_htmlspecialchars_decode($item);
} else {
$obj_items[$key] = htmlspecialchars_decode($item);
return $obj_items;