I would like to know that also.
You can probably do it with SQL script file.
Here is a bit of SQL script used by the vl weather module to create the database and to then load in the data. You would just need to load in the data.
Section to creat the table
CREATE TABLE stations (
icao varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',
name varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
cc char(2) NOT NULL default '',
country varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
locshort varchar(40) default NULL,
zone varchar(6) default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY icao (icao),
KEY cc (cc)
Followed by the data list.
# Dumping data for table `stations`
INSERT INTO stations VALUES ('OAFZ', 'Faizabad', 'AF', 'Afghanistan', NULL, NULL),
('OAFR', 'Farah', 'AF', 'Afghanistan', NULL, NULL),
('OAHR', 'Herat', 'AF', 'Afghanistan', NULL, NULL),
('OAJS', 'Jabul-Saraj', 'AF', 'Afghanistan', NULL, NULL),