I have taken my site and ran a path in the install to show the IP-based URL path to xoops..and did all my development. I converted everything to the domain name, adn all was working well until I started using Firefox, and then the same issue shows up as described here.
I can login, and get the Admin menu block in IE 7 and have no issues. I also can navigate all modules without errors.
When I log off, and use Firefox 3, it will do the login and show the Admin block at the home page correctly, but as soon as you click on any link or module, it throws you out of your permissions and displays the USER LOGIN block. I have custom sessions turned off, and cleared all the sessions table info as well as the Templates_c directory.
I try and login again, and same occurs. Initial login works fine, return you to main page, then when you click on any link it blows out your login and you have no permissions. But if you to a BACK to the previous page, commands and entering into the admin menus are OK..
Any advice?
It also is affecting just registered users as well as admins.
http://www.kingofglorylutheranchurch.orgXOOPS 2.0.15