Edit: I already managed to load the DB file.
I couldn't find any xmail entries in my sql databes.
There is a module entry, but pressing on it didn't give me any sub entries.
I also saw some other modules entries, so I thougt it should have been at the same "folder".
So I have deleted the whole public html and copied some backup I had.
Of course the modules are still there, so what I need to do now is to restore a .gzp backup file I have saved using XOOPS DB backup & restore.
How do I restore this file?
When I select restore from the backup module, I don't see any files to select in the drop down menu. (Of course I copied the backup file into the backup folder).
How do overwrite my backuped database?
I believe the best solution in these cases is to go back to your backup, so I better learn how to use this backup feature.
Please help me out. :)