Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Version: 1.32
SourceForge: X-Torrent
Wiki: X-Torrent on Xoops
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This is the final release of the version 1.0 series. Try downloading it in a torrent if anyone has tried this off chronolabs my firewall at home wasn't configured correctly.. But it just worked with Garys utorrent he tried it out being in the UK and me in AUS.
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

To LP,

Hey peter, I am not sure what the problem is??? Seems to work in all my tests between friends and so on.. If the latest patched version of 1.32 doesn't work it is something to do with your ISP or Hosting environment.

Personally i think it probably has something to do with the legal position of denmark and torrent tracker laws. It could also be something to do with firewalls or various other issues that are in p2p..

But the module is working on all of the test beds I have in australia and the USA. Which means I am not sure what the issues are you are having relate to.

I am using protector 3.06 with the service as well as various other modules that are on the XOOPS system, perhaps if you upgrade protector if you are running this, I am not sure if this would cause and issue...
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/7 10:56

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Simes,

I'm going to check the protector settings, my current version is 3.1

By the way i'm living in Amsterdam ( The Netherlands ) not in Denmark..question are there coffeeshops in denmark....here in Amsterdam Yes....enough...haha...smoking the weed till i get the seed..hahahaha

The policy of my isp dusnt block torrents, only when a company called brain, submitted a complain then they will block my complete site, but this is not on the order right now..

I allready try'd to disable the protector module and even that didnt help...i think i have to reinstall the complete site from scratch....

By the way maybe it (xtoorent)dusnt work on or support PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.22.
But why can i run a btittracker without a problem? and xtorrent dusnt register the new torrents and since a run v.1.32 its gives me the message not authorized (h50)read the faq
It looks to me like there is a really chmod problem...what are the chmod propeties of xtorrent..or maybe it's simple not compatible with my php 5.x
I'm going to check everything..but i'm really confused now.

Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/7 12:46

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Simes,

I added RewriteBase / to the settings of my .htacces and finaly it's works, oke i had to install from scratch but maybe youre where right and the problem was with protector.

Here is a example of my .htacces

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase / <---added by myself--->
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^announce/?passkey=([a-zA-Z0-9\ \'\_]+)$ modules/xtorrent/announce.php?passkey=$1 [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce?passkey=([a-zA-Z0-9\ \'\_]+)$ modules/xtorrent/announce.php?passkey=$1 [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce/ modules/xtorrent/announce.php [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce modules/xtorrent/announce.php [L,NC,QSA]

php_value memory_limit "30M"
php_value upload_max_filesize 30M
php_value post_max_size 50M
php_value time_out 60

But my question is now what do i have to change in the protector module 3.1....do i have to change the value of the root or trusted path? Can you send me a example how youre mainfile.php is written for the use of xtorrent. Maybe i made a mistake in the mainfile.php

Now in the meanwhile i going to proceed with translating...did'nt had the time this weekend causes the misses wanted some time ( Quality time )so i'm gooing to finish it this week. I'm clad with the support i'll get from you dear Simes.

Peter from The Netherlands...lol hahaha...cheers mate

P.S When the groupsacces in system for Anonymous Users must set to grant acces fot xtorrent otherwise it gives the error message torrent not registered with this tracker..and so on, granted the acces and everything is smooth, when option denied the acces, it's gives the errors. but how can we disable this without the failure in torrent because the torrent section must only be availlable for registered users?

Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Hi LP,

Umm yeah if you don't enable the module access to anonymous then it will throw an error on the tracker. You control access at a file level for the users and have the module open on the system.

There is a file permissions in x-torrent just like wfDownload, where you can set the access for the files themselves based on group permissions.

The module itself has to be open, you can rewrite it if you want to support the module being closed, I may release a different version with an extra section for placing your tracker outside the module library.

But for the moment this is home and hosed. I am glad you managed to work out what the issue was with your service, it can be very frustrating as a module writer when running on various differently configured servers, all sorts of issue come up that can be unnerving. Look forward to receiving your translations.
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/7 18:41

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Simes,

I found the that if i use the bandwide throttle option it destroy's the torrent when option is disabled no problems found. It seems to work splendid now.

I'm almost finished with the translation...i hope to have it done by tomorrow.


Re: x-torrents 1.06 error


By the way i'm living in Amsterdam ( The Netherlands ) not in Denmark..question are there coffeeshops in denmark....here in Amsterdam Yes....enough...haha...smoking the weed till i get the seed..hahahaha

Lol where mine, my bong bowl is empty... Nah I joking, I quit smoking ganga years ago.. Ended up damaging my lungs with that stuff.. But the 5meo-dipt was nice, and it was nice for alexander shulgin to release a book after years of writting between each of us, called .. Simple Plants Isoquinolines.

Which was kewl, I asked him to stop making my hippy mates go on about boring chemistry.. The weed reaction in the body is very boring, extremely boring, infact I was so excited when he took on my isoquinoline project I caused a stir in sydney, and changed my name to 'Simon Trixyisoquinoline Roberts' back in 2001 I think we should have chemicals for names.

It would make it easier and there would be a diagram you could show someone of a molecular model for your name.. I am going to name my child nitrate,nitrate,5methoxy-dimethal-tryptamine poor kid... j/k

It is pretty amusing the amount of things that have weed references in it in computer, for example a cookie has a section called dope, that you set to work on other domains.. I thought that was pretty amusing.
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error


I found the that if i use the bandwide throttle option it destroy's the torrent when option is disabled no problems found. It seems to work splendid now.

ok will look into it, that was very experimental at the time anyway... The idea of that is to throttle the network..

Akh'Velahr Lirlye Nardanannun Cora Lakilea
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/8 10:15

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Dear Simes,

lol whahahahha if you dare to call you kid like that lol what about stoney maloney....lol just kidding

I'm finished with the translation but i have one question where can i find the comment manager to translate..because this is the only section in the English language i could'nt find and translate...maybe i can find this somewhere between the modules... if not yeah to bad

I send the current dutch translation to youre hotmail address, keep me posted please



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