Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 16:50

  • avtx30

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 181

  • Since: 2006/10/12

Sorry for my poor English which is not my tongue language...

I've been using XOOPS for 3 years. Still learning...

I am thinking of building a site with XOOPS related news, modules archives, forums, tips'n'tricks supports xoops, xoopscube, i_ c m s, and other XOOPS cores. The site will have two languages: English and Japanese. I am hoping to bring Japanese XOOPS users to the world and vice versa. There are many good resource in Japanese (http://xugj.org) which you could benefit. Many high-quality modules made by Japanese developers which you don't know. At that site people are free to talk about their XOOPS core/modules without any limit like other specific forums (e.g. you cannot ask about XOOPS Cube here or people in XOOPS Cube forums cannot ask for help about i c m s).

What do you think?

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 19:42

  • Lloyd

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 43

  • Since: 2006/7/4 1

Why not... :)

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 20:33

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

I am. I do have hosting and domain for it. I did not sarted yet because I´m short of time. If you want to trade ideas send me a PM ok?

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 22:13

  • avtx30

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 181

  • Since: 2006/10/12

@trabis: thanks. I have my own server so hosting is not a problem. Domain is very cheap. I need ideas. I appreciate your telling me that.

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 22:32

  • Bender

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1899

  • Since: 2003/3/10


I think the idea is not bad but i fear you won´t get too much visitors. This is just an observation on myself but i don´t even bother much visiting the local Xoops, XC, icms sites of my country while focussing on the org sites simply because of the amount of possible replies and information.
If i were to find out something about XC i would go to xc.org.

Anyway ... you got nothing to loose in trying.
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Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/3 22:55

  • avtx30

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 181

  • Since: 2006/10/12

@Bender: thanks for comments. I know great developers are always focusing to their own works, at one site. How about general users? I meant modules' users. For example, when Catzwolf_ released his great wf-channel, he announces it here. Users other than xoops.org will not benefit of the release. At the site I am thinking of, release info will be automatically updated and I /other user will provide useful info about wf-channel: is it compatible with xc and icms, if not, how to make it compatible....

Do you suggest some domain name?

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/4 22:43

  • giba

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 638

  • Since: 2003/4/26


avtx30 wrote:
Sorry for my poor English which is not my tongue language...

I've been using XOOPS for 3 years. Still learning...

I am thinking of building a site with XOOPS related news, modules archives, forums, tips'n'tricks supports xoops, xoopscube, i_ c m s, and other XOOPS cores. The site will have two languages: English and Japanese. I am hoping to bring Japanese XOOPS users to the world and vice versa. There are many good resource in Japanese (http://xugj.org) which you could benefit. Many high-quality modules made by Japanese developers which you don't know. At that site people are free to talk about their XOOPS core/modules without any limit like other specific forums (e.g. you cannot ask about XOOPS Cube here or people in XOOPS Cube forums cannot ask for help about i c m s).

What do you think?

I think this is very good.


avtx30 wrote:
Do you suggest some domain name?

My personal sugestion is: XF-resource.org or Equivalent.

On this site you can disclose all relevant work and also disseminate the good work xoops.

eg: XF = XOOPS Family code and Derivatives.

eg2: Certainly this will be an excellent disclosure to the development and helps all users to assess progress and share experiences with the developers of modules and code compatible.

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/5 4:37

  • movers

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 5

  • Since: 2005/1/12

LOL, only icms users sent replies.


avtx30 wrote:

Domain is very cheap.
I need ideas.
I appreciate your telling me that.

Polygamy Dot Com?

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/7 0:19

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

I´ve started to build a site to suport XOOPS based cms, it is called XUUPS and stands for XOOPS User Utilities. It should provide links, downloads, support forums, and a section dedicated to module developers to post their tutorials, hacks and whatever they like.
Doesn´t matters what core you use, modules will be modules, themes will be themes, political issues stay outside please.

I installed 2 modules I´m working on. "Users" that is a profile module based on smartprofile, and publisher that is based on the news module.
"Users" does not bring anything new, just some bug fixes and a diferent layout similar to yogurt.
"Publisher" has a lot of new features and you will be able to test them all very soon. The goal is to keep an easy tracking of articles and publishers.

I implemented also a "Xoops Related Sites" custom google search so you can easely find the most important of all
: information.

I need help, not a army nor a war.
Visit xuups.com if interested.
See ya

Re: Are you insterest in a site that supports more than one xoops?
  • 2008/4/9 0:19

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1

Creating the forums now, if you needing help(with modules, themes, plugins) you can post there to.

I posted a "hack" for selected menus in multimenu.

Does anyone can knows the link for Highlighting code in [code] tags? I have read it somewhere in this forum and can not find it anymore, it would be handy now.



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