Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Hey Lord Peter,

Umm that is no good, you crashed your motorbike no wonder my dad didn't let me ride one when I was younger.. I am such a hoon.

Anyway, I think you have no mod rewrite on your apache services. There is an extension that you can try to the .htaccess file which is


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^announce/?passkey=([a-zA-Z0-9\ \'\_]+)$ modules/xtorrent/announce.php?passkey=$1 [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce?passkey=([a-zA-Z0-9\ \'\_]+)$ modules/xtorrent/announce.php?passkey=$1 [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce/ modules/xtorrent/announce.php [L,NC,QSA]
RewriteRule ^announce modules/xtorrent/announce.php [L,NC,QSA]

If this get rid of your server 500 error at the http://yoursite.eu/modules/xtorrent/announce.php then I would say you are missing the mod rewrite extension in apache. Some service providers do this for security, but it makes half of the fun of web design useless.
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Hey LordPeter,

How you doing? I just found a bug!! Thanks for all the help testing, when you don't put in more than one tracker into x-torrent the announce-list in the torrent itself isn't populated.

So now I have made it so it easily is populated incases where it isn't.. wooh tounge tied,

Get the latest visit.php of the SVN and replace it in you /modules/xtorrent/ path - download: http://x-torrent.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/*checkout*/x-torrent/visit.php?revision=3
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/3 10:22

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Simes,

I'm fine thanks for asking how are you today?

I downloaded the visit.php but stil getting errors. It looks like he wont register the torrent file on the tracker.

These are the error messages in Utorrent 1.7.7 with different announce tracker

announce url Open tracker: http://www.mysite.eu/modules/xtorrrent/announce.php

Failure: Torrent not registreted with this tracker.

Same announce url with closed tracker 2 messages

1. Tracker Error
2. Torrent not registered with this tracker

When lookin at the torrent propeties i notice that hes lookiing for 2 tracker



The same thing happen with the announce url http://www.mysite.eu/announce, even without or without the rewrite module and settings.

No i'm really lost..haha
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/3 10:34

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi again....

Even when i create a torrentfile without a tracker url it gives the message tracker error but this time with the good announce url and passkey, heres a screenshot of it
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Try visit.php revision 4 on the SVN.. If you set not for a closed tracker, now it will not edit the torrent; this all comes down to the hashinfo in the torrent, when you change the announce list it changes the hashing of the file, personally I think this is a design flaw as it prevents torrents from spawning across multiple tracker, the one that rely on the hashing to locate it.

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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/3 15:59

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Simes,

I downloaded the visit.php revision 4, replaced it on the server, did'nt help.
I also try'd to download x-torrent 1.31 through youre torrent but you have the same problem like i do...
I made some screenshots of it
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Why it's working for you on youre network like you let me see through youre youtube video, i dont know but it's not working for me...sorry..
I try'd to contact my ips and they told me that my server support apache rewrite module through .htacces, even they could'nt figure it out what the problem is.

I'm stuck, but anyway this gives me the time to translate the language modules...i'm on 50 % now....but there are allot of words to translate....and some of them are difficult to translate in dutch..technical speaking..


Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Dear LP,

How you going? Umm here is a screen capture of the create torrent system I have been using.. I am using uTorrent 1.7.7

This is what I am putting in my create dialogue box:

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As you can see I have 1 tracker working, without a passkey specified, that is in case I am going from closed to open, the rest it added to the torrent on the fly.
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/4 8:55

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Hi Wishcraft,

Finaly it's working a little bit for me but not more then 1 minute and 2 seconds, after this it gives multiple errors like the errors before..tracker error....torrent file not registered
also a new one Not Authorized (50h) Read the faq this under the announce url http://www.mysite.eu/announce
Underr the announce url http://www.mysite.eu/modules/xtorrent/announce.php also 1 min working after that same errors like above.

Here some screen captures :

When it's working
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After 1 minute or so
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Now i'm really lost....
Also i downloaded the x-torrent 1.32 but stil getting no where.

Re: x-torrents 1.06 error

Dear LP,

You mentioned you where translating the language files to danish...

Did you look at the headline news lately. Danish ISP Orders to block Torrent Trackers..


You in Denmark? They should have used SOAP Layers for Torrents then it would be possible not to block it..
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Re: x-torrents 1.06 error
  • 2008/4/4 9:35

  • LordPeter

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2008/2/29

Dear Simes,

I'm translating the language in to Dutch not Danish hihi

I had contact with my isp and they told me that they dont block torrents.Only when there is a complain that there illegal files on the server. But in my case the permitted it

This mornig i try'd to install xtorrent 1.06 and that seems to work but after updating xtorrent to current version that's when the trouble starts, after upgrading it's not possible for me to keep the torrentfile seeding. I notice that when i created a new torrent file is works for 1 min after that i can do what i want but cnt get it to seed again, but when i create a new torrent then again seeding for 1 min. It's like somewhere there is something that crashes or bug the database or the extensions of the torrentfile....

So maybe theres something wrong with the htacces extensions?


P.S. i also try'd on my subdomain to handle tbdev torrenttracker and through this there is now error and seeding is no problem, a friend of mine has this morning downloaded through the subdomain..so it's really possible to run a tracker. Maybe there is some code who having a conflict with some extensions.

Here are 2 screen captures from btittracker on my site, so you can see that it's possible to handle a torrent tracker.

BtitTracker on my domain ( open tracker )
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And a screencapture of Utorrent
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(closed Tracker )
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