I was having a problem with the MY FRIENDS block and its PM feature.
When clicking the PM button under my friends photo inside that block, a java code would open a window trying to send a private message to ANONYMOUS.
Well i cant seem to find a FIX for it to call the USERNAME just yet but my work around was this:
REMOVE THE PM BUTTON AND ITS LINK from the My Friends Block.
To do this open
xoops_root / modules / yogurt / templates / blocks / yogurt_block_friends.html
goto line # 4 and remove this
<a href='javascript:openWithSelfMain("<{$xoops_url}>/pmlite.php?send2=1&to_userid=<{$block.friends[i].uid_voted}>","pmlite",500,450);'><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/icons/pm.gif" />a>
this will remove both the PM button and the java link embeded to it.
Since you would simply goto your friends actual profile by clicking their picture, you can click their PM button when you get there.