Random Quotes problem
  • 2008/3/11 8:51

  • Watchmanz

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2008/3/11

Hello, I have installed Random Quotes 1.0.1 and all is working well except for one small thing.

The name of the module is Random Quote but installed on my site it shows with the heading of "The Quote" - I want it to say "Random Quote".

Trying to be clever, I thought I would edit it in the /language/english/modinfo.php file from:
define("_RQ_BNAME","The Quote");

define("_RQ_BNAME","Random Quote");

but it doesn't seem to have made any difference.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Re: Random Quotes problem
  • 2008/3/11 9:28

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:


If you want to change the name of any module as it displays in the Main Menu then:

1. Login as admin and go to the admin panel
2. Mouse-over the "system" icon and select "modules" from the pop-up menu
3. In the right-hand window pane, edit the name of the module as it appears in the white textbox underneath the module's icon
4. Accept the change using the "Go" button at the bottom of the screen

To change the title of a block as it appears on the page:

1. Login as admin and go to the admin panel
2. Mouse-over the "system" icon and select "blocks" from the pop-up menu
3. Find the block you need from the list and click on "Edit" in the right-hand column.
4. Edit the block title and accept the change

Hope this helps


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