1. Well when I was reviews the comments made by my hosting provider (Www.solidinternet.com) they made a comment that Joomla mailing classes where not secure and where being exploited to send spam.
Also recently I spoke with a lady that ran a fashion business, and the shop on joomla, unfortunately the prices seemed to change themselves.. This was because she was being hacked..
Umm, I don't know much about Joomla or the modules for it but they are NOT compatible with Xoops..
If you want there are plenty of design companies for XOOPS that can make a theme for you.. A good company would be someone like
http://www.xoopsdesign.com - ana there makes some nice themes, they take a bit of massaging into place some of the smarty needs to be changed to get it working however they offer some crisp design and can make a custom theme for you for around 150
If you are not a programmer then you may have to hire one either way.. I like many other people are available on ad hoc basis see my wiki
Wishcraft 3. There is a module called smartpartner that works for affilates and partners from
http://www.smartfactory.ca4. What here or XOOPS in general, current this domain is being and having maintenance done to it so all the feature are not working... Try my domain
http://www.chronolabs.org.au you will notice it works fine.
5. is MyPage a Joomla Extension, then I would not know there is something called SmartProfile that works for this sort of thing.