This is my first post so please excuse me if there's any missing info in the list at the end of the end of the post.
I copied the code for adding a swf player from one of my sites where the player is working and the clips are playing fine:
I pasted them into another site, into the smartmedia module Clips Format, new clips, and got the following error message: An error occurred while creating this format.
I have tried to supply all of the information asked for the Please Read Before Posting template but I dont know how to get the Smarty and MySQL error logs.
I would very much appreciate any help with this.
XOOPS Version:2.0.16
Module Name/Version: smartmedia
PHP Version:5.2.0
MySQL Version:5.0.45-community-log
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other):Apache
Operating System:Windows NT 5.1
Theme you are using:Filthy blue
Custom template: (Yes/No)default
PHP Debug Messages:
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '0' AND conf_catid = '1') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT sess_data FROM xoops_session WHERE sess_id = '690e4c6fb8b822903e859a93bf877d43'
SELECT * FROM xoops_users WHERE uid=1
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE dirname = 'smartmedia'
SELECT * FROM xoops_config WHERE (conf_modid = '11') ORDER BY conf_order ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_smiles
SELECT * FROM xoops_group_permission WHERE (gperm_name = 'module_admin' AND gperm_modid = '1' AND (gperm_groupid = '1' OR gperm_groupid = '2'))
SELECT * FROM xoops_smartmedia_formats ORDER BY format ASC
SELECT * FROM xoops_modules WHERE mid = 11