Modules not showing in admin area after upload (part II)
  • 2007/12/29 16:57

  • aerialis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2003/9/30

Hi all,

I've just downloaded the current version ( of XOOPS and the installation was successful. However, when uploading and installing modules trouble starts.

I uploaded a couple of modules (wfsection and magazine). When I entered the modules admin page, it seemed like the page was 'cut' below the systems module, and none of the uploaded modules appeared on the page. (The footer was also missing).

---> Screendump 1

Then I turned on the debug feature and there seems to be an error or two...

---> Screendump 2

Anyone ready to lead me in the right direction on this one?

(Here's another thread in this forum with a similar (unsolved?) problem.)

Re: Modules not showing in admin area after upload (part II)
  • 2007/12/29 17:06

  • jeffgr

  • Quite a regular

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  • Since: 2004/2/22

Usually, this problem occurs when you have not installed the correct frameworks that are also required by these modules.

In the case of the modules you mentioned however, I don't think they require any sort of additional frameworks to operate...but then again, you should check the release notes on that.

The magazine module is quite old I think...it might not work with the latest version of Xoops.

I presume you uploaded the correct top-level module folder into the modules directory (depending on how the module was zipped up or wrapped, this can sometimes be tricky).

Hope that helps.


Re: Modules not showing in admin area after upload (part II)
  • 2007/12/29 17:11

  • aerialis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2003/9/30

Thanks for your quick reply!

In the case of the modules you mentioned however, I don't think they require any sort of additional frameworks to operate...but then again, you should check the release notes on that.

I'll dig in to the release notes and see if I can find anything.

I presume you uploaded the correct top-level module folder into the modules directory

Yes, I've double checked that one


Re: Modules not showing in admin area after upload (part II)
  • 2007/12/29 17:28

  • aerialis

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 70

  • Since: 2003/9/30


I removed the wfsection and magazine modules and uploaded the news module. The latter works fine.


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