I'm sure this is incredibly easy to do, but for some reason I've had no luck at all.
If you go to my website,
http://www.gtiagents.com, you'll notice that for each block on the left-hand side, the different pages have arrows as bullets. For example, look under "Solutions" and "Home", "About Us", etc. all have arrows before the text instead of plain old circle bullets.
When I try to add the xHelp block, it will only let me have these weird circle bullets or to have nothing at all. I want the simple arrows to make my website consistent.
I believe I've nailed down the file for the xHelp block, so I'm assuming I'd just need to edit this file in order to display the arrows instead of the circle bullets. I have absolutely no idea where to begin to edit the file. The file is below, and I would REALLY appreciate it if someone could reply with the simple code that would allow me to have the arrows instead of circle bullets.
Thanks in advance!
xHelp File:
<{foreach name=items from=$block.items item=menuitem}>
class="menuTop"<{/if}> href="<{$block.linkPath}><{$menuitem.link}>">
<{if $block.showicon}><{/if}><{$menuitem.text}>
<{if $block.savedSearches neq false}>
<{if $block.whoami eq "staff"}>