Personally, I hack most of the modules' templates and put submit buttons on them. News included. For example: I want a button to submit news on the top of my main news page. I would edit: modules/news/templates/news_index.html
Wherever I want the button I would add this:
<FORM METHOD='LINK' ACTION='<{$xoops_url}>/modules/news/submit.php'>
<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Add Your News'>
FORM><br><br><small>[You must be a <a href=<{$xoops_url}>/register.php>registered usera> to post news... It's FREE.]
This shows the button to everyone, but gives the register link and a notice that you must be registered.
Now, I have never tried it, but this should work to show it only to registered users and webmasters:
<{if !$xoops_isuser}>
You must be a <a href="<{$xoops_url}>/register.php">registered usera> to post news.
<FORM METHOD='LINK' ACTION='<{$xoops_url}>/modules/news/submit.php'>
<INPUT TYPE='submit' VALUE='Add Your News'>FORM>
I haven't tested it, but it should work.
Correction: it works fine.
Magick can never be restrained, but when freely given is thrice regained!