Single installation of xoops using symlinks
  • 2007/10/9 10:39

  • Shiva

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  • Posts: 280

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I have multiple installations of xoops. I am planning to move all core XOOPS files to a single location that is going to be linked into from all instances using symlinks. I will of course not be symlinking files such as templates, language files, etc.

I am wondering if anyone has done this or can foresee any pitfalls with this?

If it is possible then it will save space on my server but more importantly I can make updates from a single location .

Re: Single installation of xoops using symlinks
  • 2007/10/9 19:04

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30

I have personally never done this and would be interested in your results for future reference.

Good luck, sorry I couldn't have been more of a help to you though.


Re: Single installation of xoops using symlinks
  • 2007/10/11 11:30

  • eUKhost

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Refer to this site- http://jazzz1s.blogspot.com/. You can find the installation guides and tricks.

Hope it helps you:)

Re: Single installation of xoops using symlinks
  • 2008/5/14 15:30

  • Shiva

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 280

  • Since: 2006/7/9 1

BTW - I have successfully implemented XOOPS installations with symlinks - so I am able to answer question should anyone have any.

Re: Single installation of xoops using symlinks
  • 2008/6/6 14:49

  • mktwain124

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 44

  • Since: 2002/9/27

I've done it successfully for subdomains, but it's complicated:
1.) core installation on same server
2.) symlinks created from each subdomain, excluding cache & uploads folders
3.) separate MySQL database for each subdomain - created from phpmyadmin, not XOOPS installation
4.) requires a few core and module hacks

- Performance isn't affected by symlinks
- only have to update one set of core files & saves server space
- separate database allows completely different settings and templates for each subdomain
- can create separate cpanel admin access to each subdomain

- core hacks!!!
- my web host disallows symlinks from separate domains even tho they are on the same server, so I can only use on subdomains

Bottom line is that it can be done, but requires pretty good understanding of XOOPS/PHP code.


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