Less is more... freedom !
1. Create a minimalist theme tablelessCSS :
#header {}
#nav {}
#container {}
#footer {}
2. Install Pico3. Make a ContentSubject : myPage
HTML headers : [x] display the textarea
Now lets make visible only content by overriding theme css #header {[color=990000]visibility:hidden[/color]}
#nav {[color=990000]visibility:hidden[/color]}
#container {}
#footer {[color=990000]visibility:hidden[/color]}
Body : "Add your content to the textarea. You can use the wysiwyg fckeditor, html and XOOPS smarty, even design your own forms"
Filters : [ ] uncheck all
Have Fun!
I like people more than machines or money. But that's me!
Lets do something good and great: Lets do open source!