You can use this query in phpMyAdmin for migrate smartfaq_categories into smartsection_categories
insert into xoops_smartsection_categories (categoryid, parentid, name, description, total, weight, created)
select categoryid, parentid, name, description, total, weight, created from xoops_smartfaq_categories;
For answers it's more complex because for one question you can to have many answers, you can try this :
insert into xoops_smartsection_items (categoryid, title, body,uid,datesub, status, image, counter, weight, dohtml, dosmiley,doxcode,dobr,cancomment)
SELECT f.categoryid,f.question,a.answer, a.uid, f.datesub,f.status,f.image, f.counter,f.weight, f.html, f.smiley, f.xcodes, f.linebreak, f.cancomment
FROM xoops_smartfaq_faq as f left join xoops_smartfaq_answers as a ON f.faqid = a.faqid;
to adapt the prefix of the tables to your situation
setting the authorizations manually