Community Coordination Team
  • 2007/6/28 15:28

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

Welcome to the community Coordination team.

Team Leader:


Team Members:


Current Moderators in good standing are invited to join.

Our tasks will be:
1 responsible for daily administrative jobs
2 help users to contact corresponding teams upon their requests
3 help users to understand and use XOOPS correctly
4 help users to use the XOOPS official sites properly

1 a member being inactive (not onlie, no team meeting for more than one month) will be losing his/her XOOPS community coordinator identity
2 every member shall report to Team Coordinator on the First of each month
3 the team shall report to XOOPS Project Council on the First of each month

Anyone is welcome to join please post a note here or PM directly.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Community Coordination Team
  • 2007/6/28 15:44

  • Anonymous

  • Posts: 0

  • Since:

kc0maz wrote:

Team Members:


Current Moderators in good standing are invited to join.

Fine.... I'm in

kc0maz wrote:


2 every member shall report to Team Coordinator on the First of each month

Erm........ report what?

I'm assuming that you want more than a "Cooo-eeee...... here I am!" check-in to show we're still active

Sorry, I don't mean to sound facetious..... just want to know what's expected of me on the reporting front.


Re: Community Coordination Team

Reporting in.

Shall we start by expanding on the list of tasks?

Our tasks will be:
1 responsible for daily administrative jobs
2 help users to contact corresponding teams upon their requests
3 help users to understand and use XOOPS correctly
4 help users to use the XOOPS official sites properly

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Community Coordination Team


Our tasks WILL be:

Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in this century?

Is this "will be" going to happen in my lifetime?

What can you do today that you could not do yesterday.
What do you expect to be able to do tomorrow that you cannot do today?

Will there be any change in your ability to achieve any of the stated goals?

1 responsible for daily administrative jobs << can you delete a spam or do you ask a moderator to do that for you.
I can do that today.

2 help users to contact corresponding teams upon their requests. I can do that today, and if the names and teams are listed on one of the sidebars anyone else can also.

3 help users to understand and use XOOPS correctly. That does not require XOOPS authorization, it comes naturally among end users.

Telling a theme maker that placing code in the theme html that would be better placed in the admin panel footer from the end user point of view is not going to play well and probably get you the response. It is not your business that I make it difficult for the 'not program savy' website owner to edit and make changes in their XOOPS site package.

4 help users to use the XOOPS official sites properly. << have they been abused. Dev.xoops.org had not been posted on since 2004 until I posted a new link in 2007. That would not be considered proper since it did not relate specifically to module building, but it was a way to make do with what one has available until told it is not acceptable.

Under this proposal you should be instructing me to remove it.

What are the do-able tasks that this forum may realistic expect to be able to acomplish that is not being done now?

or is this committee, destined to be just a "paper tiger"

A BlueStocking Question:
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Community Coordination Team

Hello Darcy

Right then, straight to the point as usual. Bearing in mind that this team has actually only been around for... what time is it? Umm, a little under 24hrs, let me see which of your questions I can answer.

Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in this century?
Is this "will be" going to happen in my lifetime?

Presuming you're not on death's door, yes.
You are of course right, the will be was quoted directly, but of course should have been altered to are.

What can you do today that you could not do yesterday.
What do you expect to be able to do tomorrow that you cannot do today?

Today, we can reply to your post as Community Coordinators.
Tomorrow we can discuss the definition of our tasks.

Will there be any change in your ability to achieve any of the stated goals?

I would definitely hope so, though seeing as how we just started today, we may not be able achieve them all tomorrow.

1 responsible for daily administrative jobs << can you delete a spam or do you ask a moderator to do that for you.

I don't think that's the kind of administration that we're being asked to perform. As you say, that'd be a moderators job. Before you ask, we have yet to discover exactly what admin jobs are expected of us, nor have we had a moment to discuss what admin related work we should propose to take on.

2 help users to contact corresponding teams upon their requests. I can do that today, and if the names and teams are listed on one of the sidebars anyone else can also.

By all means, go ahead. As the names of all the team members are not listed concisely anywhere and as, in fact, the teams are still in a state of flux, it might take us a day or two to put together the list ourselves. If you're proposing that the list be put in a sidebar somewhere, there was a similar call from alitan in the comments of this news article today.

3 help users to understand and use XOOPS correctly. That does not require XOOPS authorization, it comes naturally among end users.

Indeed it does. And we will be trying to help bring people with questions together with people with answers too.

Telling a theme maker that placing code in the theme html that would be better placed in the admin panel footer from the end user point of view is not going to play well and probably get you the response. It is not your business that I make it difficult for the 'not program savy' website owner to edit and make changes in their XOOPS site package.

I think that depends on how you put it to this theoretical themer. If a theme has a serious flaw (and assuming that it has managed to slip through the peer review that I think the theme dev team and design team will be providing), then I'd have thought said themer would appreciate being advised concisely, and in a non confrontational manner, how this flaw was turning people off of his/her theme.

4 help users to use the XOOPS official sites properly. << have they been abused. Dev.xoops.org had not been posted on since 2004 until I posted a new link in 2007. That would not be considered proper since it did not relate specifically to module building, but it was a way to make do with what one has available until told it is not acceptable.
Under this proposal you should be instructing me to remove it.

I don't think so, Darcy. Under this proposal, we should:
*Co-ordinate with the documentation and/or site's team to have a clear set of 'Proper Use Guidelines' for the official sites drawn up.
*Have made sure that the folk who run the site get a copy if they didn't write it themselves.
*Suggest that they put a prominent link to it in a place where people people likely to need guidance can see it.

I think that the mods of each particular site would be policing their sites for abuse, and if said guidelines were available, pointing abusers to it.

What are the do-able tasks that this forum may realistic expect to be able to accomplish that is not being done now?

That's exactly what we're about to discuss and find out. Feel free to join in the discussion.

is this committee, destined to be just a "paper tiger"

Not if I have anything to do with it, no.

We have three, 1 day old, team members at present. It's going to take us a wee bit of time to work out where we stand and where we're going. You can rest assured that all of this will be in public, and that our ears will most definitely be open to suggestions.

Thank you very much for kick-starting the proposed discussion on our list of tasks. You have given us food for thought, and helped me to express some of what I was going to write tomorrow. Oh, it is tomorrow. Off to bed now. Work in... 3 hours.

Never let a man who does not believe something can be done, talk to a man that is doing it.

Re: Community Coordination Team


how this flaw was turning people off of his/her theme.

This is not considered a flaw, it is considered as a way to protect the theme makers bottom line, footer. (pun not intended, but I will leave it)

By hiding additional theme-makers code into the theme.html that does not relate to design is at odds with opensource structure. The average dummy like me has to approach xoops.org support forums and ask how do I move/remove this unwanted code.

Xoops core supplied the means and XOOPS theme-makers are taking it away.

Another BlueStocking Question:
hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Community Coordination Team

2 help users to contact corresponding teams upon their requests. I can do that today, and if the names and teams are listed on one of the sidebars anyone else can also.

By all means, go ahead. As the names of all the team members are not listed concisely anywhere and as, in fact, the teams are still in a state of flux, it might take us a day or two to put together the list ourselves. If you're proposing that the list be put in a sidebar somewhere, there was a similar call from alitan in the comments of this news article today.

As digested from the forums.
Xoops Community Manifest : Marco
community coordination : Kc0maz
Xoops Core Discussion and Roadmap
Cats and predator
Re: XOOPS Project Council - Current situation

Foundation, currently represented by Herko, is never intended to be part of XOOPS "management structure" according to the nature of XOOPS Foundation based on Herko's explanation to me.
Currently the "management structure" is not available yet.
However during the transient period, I has been taking the lead role for establishing XOOPS Project teams and invited JMorris and tom as temporary council members to assist in the procedure, never with task assignments and specified areas. The temporary status for the new Project Council is about to close and their efforts in the past weeks are much appreciated.
XOOPS End Users Team
no XOOPS team - just teamwork to accomplish a goal.
http://xoops-end-user.com - personal independent XOOPS website
XOOPS official sites under-construction
studioC, akitson and davidl2 addon site issue resolvers.
[SOLVED] Local support site contents

"1.A local support site should be multilingual, with a choice of English and the native language of it's region. "
-- This needs much effort for a local site but I agree we should at least make navigations multilingual on a local siteakitson granted admin permission on dev.xoops.org
addons.xoops.org relevant reports not in.

akitson team leader - review sites and make decision as to their future.
vaughan m0nty
deepy xoops_gold

hhttps://xoops.org/modules/repository .. It is time to get involved - XOOPS.ORG

Re: Community Coordination Team
  • 2007/6/29 4:17

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

Our main priority is to provide the best service possible to our community. To that end, Moderators and Coordinators should endeavor to be pro-active in their dealings with users and stay informed on XOOPS development and procedures.

Moderators and Coordinators represent the XOOPS project, and we will often be the first 'official' contact many will have with the project. We want to portray a professional and business like attitude, even when our customers (users) don't. To that end here are a few guidelines.

• Treat Members and co-members and visitors with tolerance, understanding and upmost respect.

• Moderators and coordinators will not harass or personally assault while moderating the forum or while involved in XOOPS CMS business.

• Moderators even when not on duty must always show respect and pose them selves as ambassadors of XOOPS CMS as you represent our services and your actions have an impact on all Moderators and Coordinators and the community.

• Do not use profanity or slang.

• Always try and answer all questions with the best of your knowledge. If a question does arise that you are not know what the answer is of ask any other XOOPS CMS Project member for assistance. Be sure to follow up.

• Attend all mandatory meetings and read all development messages, this way you will stay up to date.

• XOOPS CMS Moderators and Coordinators are encouraged to chat in the discussion forums with members and enjoy your time.

• If a problem arises with a member and you’re not getting anywhere, yet the community member informs you that they will file a complaint against you, you must provide them with a contact e-mail address for the forum administrator. For this purpose you can have the community member PM me.

• All community members have the right to file a complaint on any XOOPS CMS Project member and all Moderators and Coordinators must provide the information requested for the appropriate department.

• Moderators and Coordinators MUST NOT give any information/usernames/passwords regarding any area of Xoops.com. This includes ftp/websites/sourceforge etc.

• Moderators and Coordinators must protect community members personal information, including e-mail address, and any other information you might be privileged to.

• The purpose of a Coordinator to open a topic is to collect information about a specific bug or issue, then use that same topic to provide the community with updates how the developer(s) are coming with the issue. Once the issues has been resolved, and the information has been documented. Then that topic should be closed by the Coordinator that opened it.

When a community member has a problem with the conduct of another community member, resolve the situation in the following manner:
• Address the issue, always in a professional manner and out of view of other community members.

• If the issue could not be resolved then talk to a senior member of the XOOPS CMS staff and ask for assistance or create a log in the ‘Moderator Complaint Procedures’ board.

• Moderators can warn community members for breach of forum conduct. When doing so please point out why they are receiving the warning and post a link into the forum post pointing to which area of conduct the community member has breached. All breaches of conduct and member warnings must be logged for future reference. Three warnings in a rolling 30 day time will result in being banned from the forums for 7 days. upon their return they will be place in a probationary status for 14 days, the next offense, will result in a 30 ban and a 60 day probation, with the next level being 180 day ban. These decisions will not be by a sole moderator or coordinator, we will make them as a group. With one exception:

•If a user is promoting or planning violent illegal activity (i.e. mass murder) that user is to be banned and the thread closed immediately by any moderator or coordinator. notify a system administrator and me immediately. Care must be taken to preserve the logs for law enforcement. Do not delete anything. After consulting with a administrator or myself the moderator or coordinator may move the thread into a private area to keep it out of view of the public.

•Forums, topics, threads not relating to the XOOPS CMS, and have been inactive for 45 days are subject to being closed. Those topic relating to the XOOPS CMS and have been inactive for 60 days are subject to review, if the issue is no long valid, it will be closed.

• Moderator or Coordinator will NOT lock or remove a topic/post at the wish of a community member. All moderators are requested to politely remind the community member that unless a serious breach of conduct as occurs then you are not permitted to do such unless requested by an administrator.

With a few exceptions, these are only guidelines, there is no way to cover every possible situation. Use your best judgment, and if in doubt ask an administrator or myself.
Remember to stay professional, and keep conflicts out of public view.

We now represent the XOOPS CMS Project.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Community Coordination Team
  • 2007/6/29 4:32

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18

Thank you for the list of resources. It will be a bit help to us once we get going.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.

Re: Community Coordination Team
  • 2007/6/29 13:28

  • kc0maz

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 216

  • Since: 2005/4/18


BlueStocking wrote:

Our tasks WILL be:

Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in this century?

Is this "will be" going to happen in my lifetime?

We are not an 'official' team yet, thus we do not have the authority to do anything in the forums. However, we can get the organized, so when we are official, we can get the ground running.

We can get our processes, rules, resources in order. That is what we are doing here.
Some dream of success, while others wake up and work for it.


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