I've downloaded XOOPS 2.2.5 RC2 and upgraded rc1 to rc2 on my testserver.
The sort options still work correctly.
I don't have a clue what can cause it not to work on your site.
You can take the following steps to get rid of some errors but I'm sure this won't make a difference to sorting issue:
In the file viewcat.php remove the following lines:
* get moderator items
if ( checkgroups( $cid, 'WFLinkAppPerm' ) )
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'wflinks_links' )
. " WHERE published = 0 "
. " ORDER BY "
. $orderby;
$result2 = $xoopsDB -> query( $sql2 );
$link = array();
$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'moderate', false );
if ( $result )
$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'moderate', true );
$moderate = 1;
while ( $link_arr = $xoopsDB -> fetchArray( $result2 ) )
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule -> getVar( 'dirname' ) . '/include/linkloadinfo.php';
$xoopsTpl -> append( 'mod_arr', $link );
In /templates/wflinks_viewcat.html remove the following lines:
<{if $moderate == true}>
<div><b><{$smarty.const._MD_WFL_MODERATOR_OPTIONS}>b>div><br />
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0">
<td width="100%">
<{section name=a loop=$mod_arr}>
<{include file="db:wflinks_linkload.html" link=$mod_arr[a]}>
These 2 changes remove the text 'moderator options' from the bottom of the screen when logged in as administrator.
In installscript.php remove the following lines to get rid of the error when updating the module:
function xoops_module_update_wflinks( $module )
return ( check_wf_resources_types() && check_wf_resources() ) ? true : false;
Save these files after adding the changes, upload them to your server, update WF-Links and remove all files except index.html from the folder template_c.