When I switch on MySQL debug I get the same error but the sorting options still work.
What Notices do you get?
What PHP and MySQL version are you using?
You can get rid of the error by opening the file viewcat.php in a texteditor, scroll to the end and remove the following code:
* get moderator items
if ( checkgroups( $cid, 'WFLinkAppPerm' ) )
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB -> prefix( 'wflinks_links' )
. " WHERE published = 0 "
. " ORDER BY "
. $orderby;
$result2 = $xoopsDB -> query( $sql2 );
$link = array();
$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'moderate', false );
if ( $result )
$xoopsTpl -> assign( 'moderate', true );
$moderate = 1;
while ( $link_arr = $xoopsDB -> fetchArray( $result2 ) )
include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $xoopsModule -> getVar( 'dirname' ) . '/include/linkloadinfo.php';
$xoopsTpl -> append( 'mod_arr', $link );