JAVesey wrote:
Thanks chaps..... I know I can add the html code but was hoping to avoid that as there's a few places that I need to insert the image/links
Quote:skenow wrote:
Which editor are you using?
Like I may have said, clicking on Image Manager brings up the window and I can select the image I want, but clicking on one of the buttons (left, centre, right) isn't inserting it.
When you click on the Imagemanager icon in Koivi, do you have 3 buttons (left, center, right) or 4 (left, center, right, insert into wysiwyg)? Koivi requires a different system_imagemanager.html (provided in the standalone download)
It add this to the script section at the beginning of the file
function InsertWysiwygImage(src)
And this is the changed code where the images and butttons are drawn -
<{section name=i loop=$images}>
<tr align="center">
<td><input type="hidden" name="image_id[]" value="<{$images[i].id}>" /><{$images[i].nicename}>td>
<td><img src="<{$images[i].src}>" alt="" />td>
<td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:appendCode('<{$images[i].lxcode}>');"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/alignleft.gif" alt="Left" />a> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:appendCode('<{$images[i].xcode}>');"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/aligncenter.gif" alt="Center" />a> <a href="#" onclick="javascript:appendCode('<{$images[i].rxcode}>');"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/alignright.gif" alt="Right" />a>
[color=ff0000]<br /><a href="#" onclick="javascript:InsertWysiwygImage('<{$images[i].src}>');"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/images/imgsrc.gif" title="Insert Into Wysiwyg" alt="Insert Into Wysiwyg" />a>[/color]