As cited earlier, your posts are in violation of XOOPSiquette.
Language - Do not use offensive language. We are here for people of all ages, and want everone to feel comfortable. Offensive language constitutes as profanity, racial, ethnic, and gender based insults or any other personal discriminations, and posts meant to offend or hurt any other member or their work. If you need to say something do it with the facts but not with insults.
Spamming and Trolling - We do not tolerate spamming or trolling in any place.
The moderators on this site have been tolerant of your abusive tone because we at XOOPS value security 1st. While your approach has been quite lacking, and your information quite incomplete, you have brought up important points that users need to keep in mind...
Keep your XOOPS install up to date
Keep your modules up to date
Install the protector module
Other than that, you've mainly just insulted people and called them names. Also, you were involved in one way or another in malicious access of this site, which in itself is enough for a permanent banning.
Enough people have stated on this site that you have been insulting. That is the reason I'm issuing a final warning.
Stop insulting users and developers on this site or you will be permanently banned from all XOOPS.org websites.
Furthermore, if you know of any security vulnerability and you know of the code that is effected, is IS your responsibility to report this information to the developers. It's called "doing the right thing".
If you cannot comply, then I highly suggest you find yourself another CMS where your poor manors and 1/2 measure contributions will be tolerated because they will not be tolerated here.
Good luck.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.