Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/7 20:51

  • DjMikeWatt

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  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/4/7 2

Let's say, for instance, that I want to add a page that is dedicated to meeting minutes that members can review/download... I don't exactly want to add this to a, say, phpMAIL module page... or if I want to import a photo gallery using IFrame - I would presumably want to do this on a BLANK page, right? I have my own custom menu block, the default "main menu" is hidden, so I can point to wherever I want to.

You see what I'm asking though? Can't I add a page that contains the same layout but nothing IN IT?

Thanks, folks... (I can't believe I couldn't find this question anywhere in the forum already...)


Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 1:00

  • tmreg

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2006/7/20

If you are looking for an empty module, check out the "pagewrap" module. It is an empty module where you just adjust the index.php files and the xoops_version.php files and you are all set. I am personally using that module to wrap an iframe of tinywebgallery, a flash video player, a customized google calendar, etc. I remember it being hard to find here on this site but you can download it from mine here:

Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 1:04

  • tmreg

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2006/7/20

As far as the meeting minutes. I have found the easiest thing to do is have a copy of wf-downloads and just point to the individual category instead of the main root of the module. On one of my sites, I have about 10 categories that are pointed to one at a time without a single link to the main module page. You can remove the "home" link in the module by editing the template.

Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 3:11

  • DjMikeWatt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/4/7 2

Yes, yes, yes... the pagewrap is PERFECT for this. I had to tweak the Coppermine theme a little bit, but it's working perfectly... thanks so much for the help!



Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 3:21

  • DjMikeWatt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/4/7 2

Oh, btw- if you want to see the link in the previous post I suppose I should give you the log-in... haha...

username: Test
password: Password1

ALSO - any idea on how I can change the HTML page title? Right now it says "mysite.com - Pagewrap"

I tried to add a title tag to the /index.html file in the module and it didn't make a difference... any suggestions?


Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 4:47

  • tmreg

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2006/7/20

To change the page title, go into the administrative area and go to system/modules. In the modules page, you will see all of the modules with their titles below them. Change the title of your new module to whatever you want and submit the changes.

In the future, the title of the module (which shows up as the title of the page, is controlled in the xoops_version.php file you can edit before you install it.

Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/8 4:52

  • tmreg

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 137

  • Since: 2006/7/20

Your site looks good. when you start playing with this module, you can change the name of the module to anything you like. It can match what it is you are displaying. by changing the xoops_version file and renaming the directory to match, you can make it whatever you want. For example, I have that module several times on one of my sites, one of which is http://churchthatcares.org/modules/calendar

Calendar is just a renamed pagewrap.

Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/9 0:31

  • DjMikeWatt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/4/7 2

This is all working out just great... can you help me a little more to understand the details on renaming the directories?

I attempted to rename the data in the xoops_version.php file... I renamed the module, I renamed the directory (within the PHP file) and I renamed the actual directory itself... when you navigate to that page in xoops, it says that it can't find the module file...

Can you try to give me a little step-by-step on the process?


Re: Is there a way to add a blank template page?
  • 2007/4/9 0:38

  • DjMikeWatt

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/4/7 2

Oh wait, I get it now... I have to do those alterations BEFORE the module is installed... I've just done that with /modules/web_mail/



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