Thanks for posting your question.
There are a few more factors in determining what a "best fit" would be for your project. Here are some questions to help nail down the details you'll need to think about.
What is the school you are representing and do they already have an established website?
Are you looking for a "fancy" design that will "WOW" visitors, or would something that is simple and to the point suffice?
What kind of products will you be offering and what is the delivery method (Digital/Physical)?
Do you need to provide F.A.Qs on your site or any other form of support?
How much traffic are you expecting to receive on this site?
Is this site hosted on a shared server or a dedicated server?
Do you plan on integrating community features such as a Blog or a discussion forum?
When building a site, there are numerous factors to consider. The more information you can supply, the better we will be able to help you.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.