It sort of what my site is trying to emulate a little, using profiles of 2.2 or smart profiles gives you the added boxes in profiles people can submit to.
Increase the Avatar Dimensions and you can allow Photos or small images.
User-Pages is sort of a personal page…..
Article has its own user page also of all Articles people have added...
You need the PM hack for Emails as I got told off by MySpace friends....yet then with the hack it sends the whole message and email unlike MySpace; so people don't need to login so much as you do with MySpace, just to read an email.
Bit unsure on Music, Debaser allows uploads or links to music, yet unsure if there is an overall setting for amounts of one user.
The words interlinking off the profiles that MySpace has, i am looking at to link with the site wide Wiki if I can.
These are bits I have been trying
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