Basic Field Naming Issue
  • 2007/2/2 17:09

  • irishrow

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2007/2/2 1

XOOPS Version:(2.0.16)
Module Name/Version:Members V1.0
PHP Version: 4.4.2
MySQL Version:4.1.21-standard
Web Server Software (Apache/IIS/Other): Apache
Operating System:Red Hat Linux
Theme you are using: Default (main) and
Custom template: (Yes/No) NO
PHP Debug Messages: None noted, Debug is on
MySQL Debug Messages: None
Smarty Debug Messages: None
A full description of the issue:

I'm a newbie, with good background in html but only limited php experience. I installed XOOPS via cPanel, then added the membership module easily. The default theme for membership was changed to phpkaox.

I want a VERY simple application, to manage a running club and its membership. My problems are:

A> Initial login by admin brings up this error:
WARNING: File /home/runners/public_html/members/mainfile.php is writeable by the server.
I can change the permissions to 444 as many times as I want, confirmed during a session, but it remains 644.

B>The default theme is mixed...admin functions show the DEFAULT default theme, while membership module properly shows phpkaox.

MORE importantly, the user preferences are not working:

1. The field name changes made to the preference file work sometimes for the webmaster, but not for the users, so they see default field names that are WRONG for the application.
The webmaster can sign on and, if that user goes to membership, webmaster MAY see the correct field names on the user info display/update screens; The users never see the correct field names.
2. The preferences set for permissions for view and update options for users DO NOT WORK. The user can update any field they want, even though the checkboxes tell them they cannot.

I've searched the documentation, reviewed the forums, and I'm sure my problems are fundamental, but cannot find any topics that address these basic issues. Briefly, what am I doing wrong here?

Thanks for any assistance.

Frankly, you can write me for ids' and passwords to view online at http://irishsnugrunners.com/members

Re: Basic Field Naming Issue
  • 2007/2/2 17:21

  • rabideau

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1042

  • Since: 2003/4/25

Looks like you may not have all your XOOPS files completely loaded onto the server.

If you want to pm me with an admin account access, I'll be happy to check it out for you... BUT FIRST reload your public_html/domain/modules/system folder, empty cache and templates_c folders, go to Systems/Admin/Modules and reload System.

If that works you hould be good to go...
Pax vobiscum,

may the road rise to meet your feet!


Re: Basic Field Naming Issue
  • 2007/2/5 14:53

  • irishrow

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2007/2/2 1

Thank you, Mark. Indeed, after much review, I reloaded (FTPed) the language objects from various directories and the field names finally came into line.

This module will now do basically what I want it to do, and I modified the menu block to allow the users to access the expanded database for editing as well as their profile. I may qualify to be a XOOPSTER within months!!

Now, on to figure out how to export or otherwise print what basically is a REPORT on certain fields of the database to get a member listing with pertinent fields.

Thank you, again, for your very kind and knowledgeable assistance.


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