xeditor and framework configuration?

Yup, as you can tell I'm hard at getting XOOPS cooking.

I've installed the latest versions of both, and if you read the readme included...I guess I don't fully understand what I'm to do.

In the admin section the WYSIWYG editor works like a champ, but I installed newbb and extcal and get nothing but browser errors if I attempt to use any of the nice buttons like this forum has to bold text or add a link.

So my limited brain tells me there is some configuration work missing so these other modules know how to use the editors included.

Am I close?

Re: xeditor and framework configuration?
  • 2007/2/4 7:58

  • Anonymous

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What do you mean by "browser errors"?

Assuming that your site has the following file-structure:

website root/class/xoopseditor
website root/Frameworks
website root/modules/newbb

then to get the xoopseditors working in CBB then you need to check the "enable html" box in the individual forums configuration. Personally, I've disabled them in CBB - keeps it simple for users and is a bit more secure.

Never tried using the xoopseditors with extcal - wasn't aware that they could be used together.......sorry.

Re: xeditor and framework configuration?
  • 2007/2/4 15:10

  • MinnesotaW

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22

Correct on the file structure, and indeed I have checked the "enable html" box in the individual forums (I think I'm doing everything correct, just missing "something").

So for example, if I just click on the bold button in this form, you get the little "sample" word in bold. If you click on the bold button in my forum right now, you get this:


Dude I appreciate the help!!

Re: xeditor and framework configuration?
  • 2007/2/4 18:25

  • MinnesotaW

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22

Aaah...it's the extended DHTML form only! The other WYSIWYG templates work fine. Since exTcal only uses the DHTML form, that's why I have the issue there...but in cbb you can pick another editor and it works fine.

Okay...so why does the DHTML form have an issue :)

Re: xeditor and framework configuration?
  • 2007/2/4 18:37

  • MinnesotaW

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22

A-ha!!! It's theme specific!!

Downloaded city reflections and a couple of others...and it blows up in them...default themes are okay.

Now to theme hunt on why.

Re: xeditor and framework configuration?
  • 2007/2/4 19:18

  • MinnesotaW

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 38

  • Since: 2007/1/22


Any docs on here talk about adding:


Into theme.html and all the "bad" themes already have it.

Also the docs talk about turning on:

“Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?” to NO.

And that doesn't exist in general settings on 2.0.16 but:

"Check templates for modifications ?"

Does...I'll toss a post in themes since that's my issue.


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