SSL Logins and Encrypted LDAP
  • 2007/2/1 20:20

  • freakingid

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2005/8/18

1. Using SSL Login page

I see a few posts regarding using the SSL login page. This is mostly inconclusive... I am still working on implementing SSL login.

That would cover the login info from the web client to the web server. Anyone done this successfully and care to share your methods?

2. Using LDAP authentication, securely

I want to use LDAP / AD authentication, but I need the communications between the LDAP / AD server and the webserver to be encrypted. (i.e. like LDAP uses port 636 for encrypted communications.)

The network guy needed me to check into this before he would work with me on hooking up to our LDAP server.

XOOPS 2016... can authentication occur over encrypted connection?
Anything special required to do so?

Thanks a ton,
Paul Kaiser

Re: SSL Logins and Encrypted LDAP
  • 2007/2/2 0:49

  • snow77

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 864

  • Since: 2003/7/23

the developer of the ldap section of XOOPS can be found here:
maybe somebody else with more experience can help you here but if you search his site maybe you can find the answer there too.


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