How to create a new template?
  • 2007/1/26 4:06

  • BadAngler

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 36

  • Since: 2006/11/28

I'd like to clone a template system_userinfo and make some changes. I went into the system directory and copied the file to a new file name. Going into admin > templates I see my new file highlighted and given the option to generate the file..when I do so I get the error message 'Selected file does not exist' . When I browse to a copy of the file and click upload I get the message that 'Template file system_userinfo_newversion.html does not need to be installed (PHP files using this template file does not exist)'. I'd like to work with a new version of userinfo.php and it a unique template. When everything works as I need it I'll move these in place of the current version. The new version of userinfo is in the root dir and reference the newly named template. I just cannot figure out how to get it into the admin section.

Thanks for any help. BA

Re: How to create a new template?
  • 2007/1/26 4:30

  • MadFish

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1056

  • Since: 2003/9/27

A better way to clone templates is to go to administration -> system -> templates and you'll see a button that will allow you to clone the default template set. You can then happily hack away at the cloned set as much as you like.

Best not to modify the default templates outside of the system. The idea is that they are not editable so that you can always 'fall back' onto the default set if you break your custom one fiddling around with it.

To actually use a custom template set, you need to set it as the default in admin -> system -> preferences -> general. While editing it you should also turn on 'check templates for modifications' in the same area otherwise you won't be able to see the changes that you are making.


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