I've recently installed Content 1RC1. I am using XOOPS 2.16 with PHP 5
Is anyone else having trouble in these three areas?
1. FCKeditor - trouble knowing where to give the proper permission so that I can upload images.
2. Permissions don't seem to work. Regardless of who is NOT selected to veiw a certain page (id#) it is veiwable by all... even anyoumous viewers!
* It should be possible for /modules/content/index.php?id=100 to be veiwable by all groups, but it should also be possible to make modules/content/index.php?id=101 viewable by only the webmasters (or a group of my choosing).
3. When adding contnet from the Content/Admin page, then clicking content type = content there is no way to submit. I have to change the content type to "pagewrap" and then back to "content" before I am presented with options new window/visible/disable comments... and most importantly, the submit button.