Help With Modifying My Theme
  • 2007/1/3 20:40

  • sth1986

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 3

  • Since: 2006/12/19

I am probably the most confused person ever and seen every line of code within XOOPS but it seems that I cannot modify my theme at all. I have tried modifying the theme.html file within the specific theme folder but it does not change. I have verified that it has been replaced with the changed theme.html file but it still shows everything on my site as if nothing has been changed. There has to be some code deep in the XOOPS abyss that I am not changing. If someone knows where or how please let me know.

Re: Help With Modifying My Theme
  • 2007/1/3 20:45

  • Quest

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 1034

  • Since: 2005/11/19

Go into your administration/system/preferences/general_settings

Scroll down and find where it says:

Update Template/Html (something like that depending on your XOOPS version). Make sure it is set to YES.

Scroll down and click GO.

Now go back to your front page and if necessary refresh the page. That should do it, if not let us know.

After you are through making changes reset it to NO for security purposes on a production/open site.



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