Hello everyone. I just got the Protector module installed and set up. The confusion is because I'm not understanding what I'm supposed to do now.
The security advisory says
'register_globals' : on Not secure
This setting invites a variety of injecting attacks.
If you can put .htaccess, edit or create...
php_flag register_globals off -
I don't have this file. How do I create it? What goes in it, just that snippet? 'allow_url_fopen' : on Not secure
This setting allows attackers to execute arbitrary scripts on remote servers.
Only administrator can change this option.
If you are an admin, edit php.ini or httpd.conf.
Sample of httpd.conf:
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen off
Else, claim it to your administrators. -
I'm confused here, where would this file be located? Is this something that I need to talk to my host about? 'session.use_trans_sid' : on Not secure
Your Session ID will be diplayed in anchor tags etc.
For preventing from session hi-jacking, add a line into .htaccess in XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.
php_flag session.use_trans_sid off -
Where am I supposed to put this line? 'XOOPS_DB_PREFIX' : XOOPS Not secure
This setting invites 'SQL Injections'.
Don't forget turning 'Force sanitizing *' on in this module's preferences.
Is this the same as the Sanitizing null-bytes setting in the preferences? I don't understand. ~~ At least I managed to edit the mainfile.php by myself