New install of XOOPS 2.0.16 and protector 2.57 on linux server with php 4.4.2 and I'm getting the following error:
WARNING: File /home/mysite/public_html/xoops/mainfile.php is writeable by the server.
Please change the permission of this file for security reasons.
in Unix (444), in Win32 (read-only)
I have set the permissions to 444 and ran this php script I found somewhere here:
if (is_writable('/path/to/mainfile.php')) {
echo 'mainfile.php is writable';
} else {
echo 'mainfile.php is read-only';
and it's showing that the mainfile.php is read only. I have also cleaned out the browsers history and cookies, but still get warning. (Note that I have the XOOPS files in a seperate folder just in case that makes a differance)
I would like lose the error message if possible. Anyone got any ideas?