upgrading - Does this look right? and a folder question.
  • 2009/4/12 19:07

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Hello everyone,

I'm Starting out with a fresh (1 click installation) of 2.2 in a separate XOOPS directory (and password protected for now),

I could have just installed 2.3.3 but this seemed the best time to get comfortable with the upgrade process.

Following the upgrade instructions and the security instructions I need to change the path to the xoops_lib and xoops_data directories.

Does this seem right?

1) I am assuming that since there is no mainfile.php that the changes are to be made mainfile.dist.

2) Since I placed the XOOPS documents in its own directory I am assuming that I need to change line 23 in mainfile to:

define("XOOPS_ROOT_PATH""/var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/httpdocs/xoops_directory ");

3) Now for security reasons change line 27 (library path) to:


and line 29 (data path) to:


Folder Question: Now load the entire contents of xoops-2.3.3 or only the htdocs folder to the server?

Thanks for any help,


Re: EXTCAL permmissions problem
  • 2008/4/6 19:27

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Thank you for your reply,

I will check it out and report it if not fixed.


EXTCAL permmissions problem
  • 2008/4/6 18:48

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

HI all,

I've searched for this and I seem to have the opposite problem than others,

All users (even Anonymous) can can submit new events. I have set and reset permissions to view only for everybody but admin, but anyone that visits the new_event.php page is granted access, can submit, but not auto approved.

I'm using XOOPS 2.017 and EXTCAL 2.13, no errors detected with debug turned on and I have updated the module in admin.

I love the module but I'm stumped now.

Anyone else had this problem? Or offer a possible solution?


Re: Removing xoop's copyright/powered by link?
  • 2008/1/13 1:26

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2


Are we allowed to do this?

My understanding is, Yes you can remove the link.

somebody told me that the hackers are finding our XOOPS sites by tracking that "powered by xoops" link

If you put a image link it's still a link but I don't really believe that's what caused your hack.

If it was a vulnerability in XOOPS it more than likely came from a bot that searches all websites for vulnerability, but I don't believe that was your issue either.

It could have been an issue with a third party module but if it came from a seasoned programmer it would have been posted up to other programmers before it was released 1.0+ and would have been tested well before a stable release.

More than likely it was a vulnerability produced on another website if you are hosted on a shared server without some type of firewall or some other code on your site.

I have experience on this topic as I was seriously hacked once and it completely took out seven sites of mine. I had the same reaction as you but ultimately (with a great deal of help from the host) we discovered that it was test site that I thought nobody could access, with some poor code, that actually caused the problem.

Just "food for thought" but in my opinion you are looking in the wrong direction. I suggest VPS, developing locally, and only using stable module releases.

Good Luck,


Members Directory Module
  • 2008/1/13 0:27

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Hi all,

I've been searching the repository and third party sites but I have been unable to find a directory module.

Is there a module for listing contact information for individual groups?

Example: Family member logs in and clicks on directory and a complete list of contact information is displayed for Family members, but when co-worker logs in he/she see the directory for the co-worker group.


P.S. I'm not a programmer but if the module doesn't exist it seems the Extended Profiles mod would be perfect for this, you decide who sees what already it just needs a page to list all in a group.... I Think

Thanks again,


Re: Help with PHP (I think), creating a new block please.
  • 2008/1/1 18:24

  • StevenB

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  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Hi Julio,

I have updated the module, but no data.

Thanks for the reply,


Re: Help with PHP (I think), creating a new block please.
  • 2008/1/1 18:22

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Thanks Slyss,

Probably over my head but I'll give it a try.

Are you pretty sure its my code in extcal_block_upcoming_2.html thats causing the problem?

Re: How to add links to the User Menu
  • 2008/1/1 18:00

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2


Check out multimenu. I use version 1.82 and I love it! Add links anywhere you want, visible to some or all, and really easy to install and use.

I don't think you'll regret it.


Re: Happy New Year 2008
  • 2008/1/1 17:55

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Happy New Year All!

My hope for 08,
I hope the world can get along a little better this year.


Help with PHP (I think), creating a new block please.
  • 2008/1/1 17:53

  • StevenB

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2006/9/3 2

Happy New Year everyone!

I've been trying to figure this out on my own but I have tried every combination I could think of to make this work without success.

I am not a programmer but I think my problem is in my php but I'm posting up the entire process for the most recent attempt just in case.


Create a block to list upcomming important dates (birthdays, aniversaries, etc.) using EXTCAL v:2.15.
Without linking to the event in the calendar.
Without displaying the event in the calendar.

What I've done:

Clone the Block in xoops_version.php so I could make changes to the new block but still use the origional Upcomming Evevnts block.
Code Added to xoops_version.php:

$modversion['blocks'][$i]['file'] = "extcal_blocks.php";
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['name'] = _MI_EXTCAL_BNAME3;
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['description'] = List_Events_No_Links;//changed from  _MI_EXTCAL_BNAME4_DESC
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['show_func'] = "bExtcalUpcomingShow";
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['options'] = "5|25|0";
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['edit_func'] = "bExtcalUpcomingEdit";
$modversion['blocks'][$i]['template'] = 'extcal_block_upcoming_2.html';// changed from extcal_block_upcoming.html'

Create extcal_block_upcoming_2.html

Changed origional code from..
<table class="outer">
foreachq item=event from=$block}>
tr class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>">
td><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/extcal/event.php?event=<{$event.event_id}>" title="<{$event.event_title}>"><{$event.event_title}>a>td>


<table class="outer">
foreachq item=event from=$block}>
tr class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>">

Update the module and the block is there but no data.

If it is the php can someone help me with it, or have I blown the cloning process?

Thanks for any help,


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