What is the context of needing to clear:both;? Which elements are you needing to clear?
Off the top of my head [not tested], I would start out with a "wireframe" like so...
CSS #header {margin:auto;width:770px}
#wrapper {margin:auto;width:770px;}
#leftcol {margin:0;padding5px;width:170px;float:left;}
#rightcol {margin:0 0 0 170px;padding:5px;}
/*.leftcol blocktitle {your CSS here}*/
/*.leftcol blockcontent {your CSS here}*/
.rcolclblk {margin:2px;padding:5px;width:48%;float:left;}
.rcolcrblk {margin:2px;padding:5px;width:48%;float:right;}
.rcolccblk {margin:0 2px 0 2px 0;padding:5px;display:block;}
#content {margin:0 2px 0 2px;padding:5px;display:block;}
.rcolcblblk {margin:2px;padding:5px;width:48%;float:left;}
.rcolcbrblk {margin:2px;padding:5px;width:48%;float:right;}
/*.rightcol blocktitle {your CSS here}*/
/*.rightcol blockcontent {your CSS here}*/
#footer {margin:auto;width;770px;}
XHTML <div id="wrapper">
<div id="leftcol">
<div class="blocktitle">div>
<div class="blockcontent">div>
<div id="rightcol">
<div class="rcolclblk">div>
<div class="rcolcrblk">div>
<div class="rcolccblk">div>
<div class="rcolcblblk">div>
<div class="rcolcbrblk">div>
<div id="footer">div>
Clarificationrcolclblk = right column, center top left block
rcolcrblk = right column, center top right block
rcolcblblk = right column, center bottom left block
rcolcbrblk = right column, center bottom right block
The above *should* produce a basic layout that is consistent with what you're wanting to acheive. If it does not, try adjusting the margins and padding and you should be able to get the desired result.
Insanity can be defined as "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Stupidity is not a crime. Therefore, you are free to go.