this is the code from the mainfile.php in phpmyspacegold:
if ( !defined('XOOPS_MAINFILE_INCLUDED') ) {
// Physical Path
// Physical path to your main directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/thedemos/public_html');
// Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_URL', '');
// Database
// Choose the database to be used
$xoopsConfig['database'] = 'mysql';
// Table Prefix
// This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid name conflict in the database. If you are unsure, just use the default 'pop'.
$xoopsConfig['prefix'] = 'pop';
// Database Hostname
// Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, 'localhost' works in most cases.
$xoopsConfig['dbhost'] = 'localhost';
// Database Username
// Your database user account on the host
$xoopsConfig['dbuname'] = 'your db user name here';
// Database Password
// Password for your database user account
$xoopsConfig['dbpass'] = 'your password here';
// Database Name
// The name of database on the host. The installer will attempt to create the database if not exist
$xoopsConfig['dbname'] = 'your db name here';
// Use persistent connection? (Yes=1 No=0)
// Default is 'Yes'. Choose 'Yes' if you are unsure.
$xoopsConfig['db_pconnect'] = 0;
// Default setup language.
$xoopsConfig['default_language'] = 'english';
if ( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH == '' ) {
if ( @file_exists('_install/index.php') ) {
header('Location: _install/index.php');