hello everyone!
thanks for both asnwers!
i have installed laisie, and when i want to send a form, the following message appears:
Could not execute /usr/sbin/sendmail
No puedo enviar mail a
emitojleyes@yahoo.com.arBut, with the module Contact or Contac Plus, i want to know if i have to configure something at the:
Administration -> Preferences -> mail configuration (or something like that...)
So, how do i have to configure this in order to receive these comments into my mailbox (yahoo hotmail or any other)?
The options and values i have at this screen are:
(from) DESDE (address) dirección: nothing
(from) DESDE ( name)nombre: nothing
(from) DESDE (user)Usuario: the admin (myself)
Metodo de envío email (method for sending email): smtpmail
Ruta para sendmail (route for sendmail): /usr/sbin/sendmail
SMTP host(s): nothing
SMTPAuth nombre de usuario (user name): nothing
SMTPAuth password: nothing
is the configuration ok, then??
I hope u can help me at this one. Thanks very much!!
Emilio Leyes
Emilio Javier Leyes
Salta, Argentina