Strange do didn't get an acitvaion Email. Are you sure this mail didn't end up within your spambox? This happens often at users. Also a small typo within your mailadres entering? This happens also a lot of times.
As mentioned within the readme (LEESMIJ.txt)
1. Open the configuration file admin/'config.inc.php' with a text editor
and set up your MySQL database settings.
NOTE: The standard table prefix for this script is: xoops_lzbook. You can adjust this in the same config.inc.php file before running the install.
The main thing is: are there any sql changes within the newer LZ guestbook version.
To be honest... I don't know.
Compare the files from: admin/config.inc.php of both versions
Prox lines:51 where it says 'tables'.
If you dont see any table changes/additions the upgrade can be made without any troubles. In that case. just adjust the standard prefix as mentioned within the readme here above into the/your already excisting LZ tabel prefix.
As usual: please make first a complete back up.