I have been attempting to troubleshoot and fix a problem I'm having with my website.
I've been using XOOPS for a couple of years now and have not had a problem with it at all (apart from a couple of tweaks here and there).
The issue that I have I believe is not XOOPS related but I am definitely stumped for an answer.
Anyways, here's the problem:
I use the wf-downloads module for my videos section at
On some computers for some of the videos the video does not play. It seems to be completely random. Here's an example:
On PC1 in my office all of the files on the videos section play in IE6, Firefox & Opera (my default browser).
On PC2 some of the clips play and some of them don't. The video clips I've compared (those that play and those that don't) are the exact same type of video clip.
Vid 1:
http://www.paddysworld.co.uk/modules/wfdownloads/visit.php?cid=11&lid=954 will not play in IE or Firefox but will play in Opera.
Vid 2:
http://www.paddysworld.co.uk/modules/wfdownloads/visit.php?cid=19&lid=950 plays in all browsers.
Both of these pages have direct links to the files which are :
Vid 1 -
http://www.paddysworld.co.uk/Files/Videos/KittyFlip.wmvVid 2 -
http://www.paddysworld.co.uk/Files/Videos/DontLaugh.wmvand if I click on these direct links the same thing happens. I.E. Vid 1 opens but only downloads a few Kb of the video file and then stops playing it. Vid 2 downloads completely and plays the file.
I have to be honest and say I haven't got a clue what's happening. I've ran the same processes of a local server in the office and it works all OK.
I've also tried downloading the files that I have problems with using other modules and the result is the same.
I'm concerned that visitors to my site will not be able to download some of the videos and I do not know what is causing the issue.
Any ideas?
Does anyone else have problems playing Vid 1?
Thanks in advance, Paddy
PS I've tried re-uploading and copying the files to a diffeent folder on my server prior to downloading it but it's all the same. It doesn't work (on some PCs).
I've also tried resetting all my browser defaults back to normal.