I get the about the same thing when trying it with firefox:
"This page cannot be displayed due to an internal error.
You can provide the following information to the administrators of this site to help them solve the problem:
Error: Database Access Error: Please report this error to the PDSection Website:
INSERT INTO xoops_PDdownloads_cat (cid, pid, title, imgurl, description, nohtml, nosmiley, noxcodes, noimages, nobreak, weight, spotlighttop, spotlighthis) VALUES ('', 0, 'test', '', 'test', '', '', '', '', '1', '0', 0, 0)"
/modules/PDdownloads/admin/category.php (301)
All errors (2) queries (12) blocks (0) extra (1) timers (3)
"Feed the children of the next generation cocaine, LSD, and XTC"