Really people, I can`t solve this problem, I read every documentation, FAQ, and I can`t get it...
This is the problem: I migrate my site to a new hosting, I move the hole files, import my database, but the problem is in my mainfile.php:
// XOOPS Physical Path
// Physical path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/var/www/html/periodistas-online.com.ar/htdocs');
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/periodistas-online.com.ar.elserver.com/htdocs');
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.periodistas-online.com.ar');
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://periodistas-online.com.ar.elserver.com/htdocs');
this is my server name:
http://periodistas-online.com.ar.elserver.commy XOOPS directory: htdocs
I change the old values with the new ones, but it didn`t work, this is error message: XOOPS path check: Script is not inside XOOPS_ROOT_PATH and cannot run.