how do I apply the form.php fix cuz I tried applying it but my website wouldnt work anymore. now I got it back up running.
The basic instruction was here:
Anyway - download this file - and replace the current version of /class/xoopsform/form.php with this. Once it opens right click 'save as' and select 'all files'. this will download it as a .php file ready for you to upload to your site.
Link by Daivd near the bottom of posts on the 2.0.15 releaseSo in a little more detail it goes like this:
Backup your site first! (if you Have Cpanel you can back it up there too..and you can use the module 'backup and restore') - please check the FAQ's for information on backing up.
Ok...you follow the link...it opens the .php file...
right click 'save as' and select 'all files'Save it to a place on your PC.
Open your ftp program
connect to your website
Locate the folder public-html/class/xoopsform in your website. You will see a file called 'form.php'
Now take your 'form.php' from where you saved it on your pc and transfer/drag and drop/upload (whichever term you use given your ftp program) into the folder public-html/class/xoopsform
Your program should then ask if you wish to overwrite the form.php -- say yes.
That should be it - but if you want you can then go to your admin/modules and update the system module just to make sure the changes take effect. HTH