Indeed the editor reads out ALL classes from the css of the sites default theme.
Initially I thought that this was a good idea, because most of the users of tinyeditor overread my advice to create a tinyeditor-tailored css file so they were always asking: where are the css classes.
So again: make a new css file, copy the most vital css classes from your default css file to keep the look and feel of the site when you want to write e.g. articles. Save this css to your server and setup the path to the css inside the preferences of tinyeditor.
Edit: Why it failed in McDonald's case I am not sure. I tried to implement a mechanism that "repairs" the path to the default css when another browser than IE is used, because normally tinyMCE is not able to parse the import command in a css file to get the right path. Maybe McDonald can provide me the path to the css when he uses his browser.