1. Your logo path is set as:
http://www.djflygirltee.com/images/logo.gifas you can tell, it is not there.
It is at:
http://www.djflygirltee.com/xoops/images/logo.gif2. I don't see the black dot because the background is black I suppose. But if it is still there it is probably generated in your style.css file for your UL.
Look for this:
ul {margin: 2px; padding: 2px;
list-style: decimal inside;text-align: left;}
li {margin-left: 2px; list-style: square inside;}
I know you have created a div id for the ul and li in your style.css but it doesn't seem to be working. So it is probably using the original UL and LI as shown above.
Best of Luck