Why the method doesn't work with the "Recent news" block of the default news module?
If I name it "invis-Recent news" all the entire block doesn't appear anymore. And after renaming it "Recent news" I have to update the module to make it appear again...
It's just that I need to use this structure:
<div id="recentnews">
<h1>Recent newsh1>
<block content...>
and to make it I need to not show the default block.title otherwise the recent news would show like:
<h1>Recent newsh1>
<div id="recentnews">
block content...>
according to the theme_blockcenter_c.html template
<{if $block.title|truncate:5:"" == "invis"}>
so I have to add
Recent news
directly in news_block_top.html hard-coding it (hiding the $block.title).