This gets a bit detailed, but the easiest way is to create them as a module. To do that you need to do the following (remove all //:
1) Create a file xoops_version.php called in a php or text editor such as Notepad as follows:
////$modversion['name'] = pagename;
//$modversion['version'] = 1.00;
//$modversion['description'] = page descripyion;
//$modversion['credits'] = "your name";
//$modversion['author'] = "Syour name";
//$modversion['dirname'] = "name of folder you will put it in //under /modules/";
//$modversion['hasAdmin'] = 0;
//$modversion['adminmenu'] = '';
//$modversion['hasMain'] = 1;
2) Create a file called index.php and place the following in it:
//print '';
3) Create header.php:
//include "../../mainfile.php";
4) Create a folder named the same as you listed in step 1. Then put these files in it. Next go install it as a module.
Or you could get the modules Content, Tiny Content, Page Wrap, or a number of others.