Problem: Someone posts a pic and it's so large that it widens the piss out of the entire forum.
Solution 1. That person makes a link to the image that will open in another window... how boring.
Solution 2. "Thickbox". What's a "thickbox" you may ask? Well, the easiest way to explain it, is to show you.
Click here to see example.As you can see it pops up the picture on top of the window that you're using. all you need is two java files and to name the class for those java files in the html link... like so...
<a href="linktoImage" title="Add a caption" class="thickbox"><img src="linkToImageThumbnail" alt="Image" />a>
Here's where my question is...
When you click on the little icon to insert an image at the top of the forum form, it asks you for a url and if you'd like to align it left or right.
Then it fills in the bbcode for you...
Well, How would I make the button ask you for a link... and then get it to spit out some bbcode that would then translate into the html code that I've listed above?
This way people could simply fill the form out and instead of a huge picture in the forums, it's dispalyed nicely in the (no need for a new window) nice "thickbox".