Now, I have this setup:
* site is at
http://www.kunibakai.nu/xoopsI have this in my fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php/config.php file:
I have created a files tree within the module:
> find ./content_09/admin/fck_common/users/admin/Image -maxdepth 1
Now, I can access the editor, edit contents and submit it. No problems. HOWEVER, I may NOT include images.
If I try to include an image, I get to the filebrowser, it shows all the files, I may select one and get this in the location box (for instance):
which is correct. Now, when I press "ok" I get an image in the editor and everythings seems ok. However, If I post the created page, I get everything
but the images on the page. The same thing happens when I switch to Source view, no source is shown for the image I included and when I switch back, it is not there any more.
When in WYSIWYG mode, I may not select the image for edit. It is just shown in the document, but does not seem to be a proper object...
Now, if I find the file that I want and copy the URL into a src tag in the Source view of the editor, I get an object that I may manipulate when I switch back to WYSIWYG view.
HOWEVER, when I submit the page, I get this again:
403 Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /xoops/modules/content_09/admin/index.php on this server.
Does any of this make any sense? How come I may post a page with no images in it, but no page with an image in it?
Also, I sometimes get this in the console when presing "Ok" in the image propertied popup...
Again, PLEASE help!