I just find it too much to have richt blocks on each and every module page of XOOPS org.
If the blocks on the right are required for several reasons, then there could be a different alternative to implement them, like arranging them in the center or left.
The disadvantage of them having on the right is that they result into occupying white space below them for each and every page generated.
The pages becomes longer and longer, especially in forums, news and other areas where user participation is more.
Hence there are few hundred users each minute who would be scrolling and scrolling each minute extra due to white spaces.
Assuming that each page has about extra 30 centimeter or one A4 paper sheet per user per minute, then each minute about 100 A4 paper sheets are scrolled each minute on an average!
That results to about 6000 A4 sheets per hour and 144.000 A4 sheets per day scrolling action per day on the website of xoops.org!!
Calculating per day length of the users forced to scroll, it works to be 43.200 meters or 43,2 Kilometers of an extra scrolling!!!